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MasterChef Remy: Redefining Culinary Excellence Through Innovation and Early Mastery

MasterChef Remy

MasterChef Remy: The Culinary Prodigy Inspiring the Next Generation
From mastering her grandmother’s kitchen at the tender age of two to dazzling audiences on MasterChef Junior, Remy has become a beacon of culinary creativity and innovation. Her journey is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and a love for the art of cooking.

MasterChef Remy
MasterChef Remy

MasterChef Remy started her Journey

I started cooking when I was two years old, in my grandma’s kitchen. I can still remember when I was about 3 and she ordered a special knife for me. I was so excited for it to come so I could start cutting fruits and vegetables on my own.

How do you incorporate innovation into your cooking/baking process, and what inspires your creative recipes?
My grandmother inspires me and my mind and sense of taste are what helps me incorporate innovation into my recipes. I look at a recipe or taste a finished dish and say to myself, how can I make this better?
What guiding principles or philosophy do you follow when creating new dishes or desserts?
Taste always comes first for me. That and not being afraid to try new things. If something works in one place, then I’ll try it somewhere else. For example, the many of the herbs and spices I use in my ranch dressing are good on garlic bread. I’m not afraid to make mistakes and have to do things over. That helps you be creative.
Can you describe a particularly challenging dish or baking project you undertook? How did you overcome obstacles?
Making creme brulee was a big challenge for me. I wanted to make it for the longest time and we finally got a culinary torch so I could brulee the sugar on top of the dish. Getting the sugar exactly right was so hard. I had to keep practicing and messing up before I was able to make it correctly. No one likes to fail, but sometimes you have to fail before you win.
What is your favourite dish which you always liked?
MasterChef Remy
MasterChef Remy
Roasted lemon chicken is my favorite dish. I was probably three years old when I first tasted it and told my grandma I wanted to make it. It’s a simple dish of a whole chicken, lots of garlic, a whole lemon and kosher salt. These simple things come together to make the tastiest and juciest roast chicken you can imagine. In fact, my first cooking video was of me making this chicken when I was under four years old.
What does baking mean to you?
Baking is a sweet way to explore my creativity. The best part is that I get to eat my creations. You use so many cool things in baking – sugar, chocolate, vanilla, flour. There are a million ways to bake these things into something spectacular. It’s also fun to decorate and design the things I bake. My creative side really comes out here.
You went to MasterChef junior and also faced lots of challenges . Talk with us about that.
The first time I auditioned for MasterChef Junior I made it all the way to Los Angeles, then got cut. It was devastating. I was so upset I didn’t think I would ever want to compete again. But then I entered an Instagram recipe contest and won. And after that I became the Florida Future Chef Champion.
It was really hard to win that competition. I had to practice my dish many times. Preparing for that helped me in MasterChef Junior. About eight months after I was sent home, MasterChef Junior called again. They said they really liked me and wanted me to come try again. I had been improving my skills for months, so when I got to L.A., I was ready to show my stuff.
MasterChef Remy
MasterChef Remy
Once I was cast, it was super fun but also really hard. I missed my family and friends. It was hard to be criticized. But it was an incredible learning experience also.
My competitors and I got really close during the competition, and we all learned so much from the chefs in the MasterChef Junior kitchen and the judges. Now that I’m home, I wish I could go back and do it again. I miss all of my new friends and I miss being challenged in the kitchen every day.
How does early exposure to culinary arts and responsibilities in the kitchen at a young age influence a child’s cognitive development and creative abilities?
Being in the kitchen taught me how to multitask and follow directions. There are dangerous things there like ovens and stoves. If you aren’t careful you could get burned or cut. I had to get over my fear of being burned in order to bake and use the stove. It wasn’t easy but I did it. Cooking also taught me that failure is a part of life. Your dishes don’t always come out right. Instead of crying and being mad, I learned that you can pivot and do something else. Most things can be fixed and if a dish is so bad that you can’t eat it, that ‘s a lesson too. You can take a look at what didn’t work and make sure you don’t make the same mistake again.
MasterChef Remy
MasterChef Remy
I have spent a lot of time cooking with my grandma and helping her prepare for parties. This has taught me time management and also what it means to work as a team. As I have grown in age and ability, I’ll take over dishes now. I know the way we have always made them, but think of things to make them a little better. Being in the kitchen has given me confidence in my abilities and my creativity.
Share your favourite recipe with the world?
This is an excerpt from my cookbook, The Big Easy Kid’s Cookbook – If I Can Cook, You Can Cook. I’m excited to announce that it will be published soon!

Remy’s Lemon Chicken

This is the recipe that started it all, ya’ll. It’s the first dish I was ever filmed making and it’s what made me want to be a chef. I was only four years old when I started making this dish. I love it so much. It’s so easy to make and comes out crispy, juicy and tender. My sister’s and I run to get bites of the crackly skin when it comes out of the oven. Yum!

1 whole chicken

4 cloves garlic, put through the garlic press

½  tablespoon kosher salt

1 lemon

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Remove livers and gizzards from the center cavity of the chickens, reserving for another use, if desired.

Place chicken in a roasting pan.

Combine the garlic and salt, rubbing together until you form a paste. Gently make a pocket under the skin of the chicken, using your fingers. Be careful not to tear the skin.

Carefully stuff the garlic mixture under the skin, then rub what’s left on your hands all over the top of the chicken.

Wash your hands. If you’re like me, you will notice that this mixture has exfoliated your skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Bonus!

Pierce the lemon about four or five times with the tines of a fork. Place the lemon in the cavity of the chicken.

Put the pan in the oven and roast for an hour or more, until the leg pulls away from the side of the chicken and the juices run clear.

Cooking time will depend on the weight of the chickens and the calibration of your oven.

Let rest for at least ten minutes before carving. My best advice here is to let an adult carve the chicken. You did the cooking. Let them do the dirty work.

Serve with pan juices poured over the chicken.

Makes 8 Servings

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Author: News Shot 24

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