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Meet Monica Tindall: The Heart of The Yum List

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Monica Tindall is the visionary editor behind The Yum List®, a curated guide to the best dining, lodging, and spa experiences. Raised in the Australian countryside, she developed a deep appreciation for fresh, local ingredients. With 27 years of expat living and extensive global travel, her palate is finely tuned to diverse cuisines.

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Picture Credit: The Yum List

Monica champions sustainability and socially responsible practices in the food industry, celebrating chefs who prioritize flavor and ethics. A lover of boutique hotels and luxurious escapes, she seeks out accommodations that connect with their local communities. Through The Yum List®, Monica aims to educate and inspire others to enjoy and appreciate good food and travel experiences.

When did you started your journey

The journey started in the year 2010.

How do you balance maintaining the authenticity of local culinary traditions while advocating for sustainability and ethical practices in your recommendations

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Picture Credit: The Yum List

Local culinary traditions and sustainability often go hand-in-hand. When we eat more locally, we reduce food miles and often support small independent businesses.

Given the diverse global experiences you’ve accumulated, how do you approach evaluating and comparing the culinary and hospitality standards of different cultures and regions

I never go in to “evaluate.” I enter every experience to learn. Every culture has something unique to offer, and when you change your mindset to look for the good, a whole new world of growth and opportunity awaits.

Can you elaborate on some specific challenges you’ve faced in promoting socially responsible practices in the food and travel industry, and how you’ve navigated these challenges

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Picture Credit: The Yum List

Some people believe you must do all or nothing, so they fail to celebrate the small steps. When we acknowledge the little changes, we are encouraged to continue. More than ever, organizations, governments, and industries need to step up and reevaluate their practices. As individuals, the best thing we can do is to be a voice, advocate and educate for change.

How do you perceive the role of traditional food practices in preserving cultural identity amidst globalization, and how does The Yum List contribute to this preservation

Traditional food practices, including recipes, ingredients, techniques, and rituals, are crucial in preserving cultural identity. However, that does not mean culinary traditions should not advance and evolve. Just because a chef is not making a recipe like grandma did does not necessarily make it unauthentic. Cultures grow and change over time, as do their food rituals.

The Picture has been given by The Yum List
Picture Credit: The Yum List

Globalization, while introducing new and exciting culinary experiences, could potentially lead to the homogenization of food cultures, but not necessarily so. Many contemporary chefs who push the barriers of food expectations are also deeply invested in researching and preserving traditional techniques and ingredients.

The Yum List contributes to this preservation by telling the stories behind recipes, techniques and ingredients. This helps raise awareness and places importance on the documentation of culinary culture.

Malaysia’s cuisine is known for its rich diversity, reflecting various ethnic influences. How do you navigate and appreciate the complexity of Malaysia’s culinary landscape, and what are the challenges in representing this diversity accurately

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Picture Credit: The Yum List

I find it fascinating to listen to Malaysians talk about food. Many are deeply passionate about local recipes. At the same time, I hear diverse interpretations. The country’s food heritage is rich in regional variations, evolving trends, personal preferences, and changing resources. The best way to navigate the food scene is to dive right in and dine with the locals!

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